Digestive Health
Natural Treatment for IBS, Crohn’s, Colitis, GERD, and Digestive Disorders
Every day, people are forced to sit on the sidelines due to painful digestive disorder symptoms, such as intestinal cramping, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and more.
In fact, we see people in our office every day who have missed out on so much of life due to these awful health challenges.
One of our members, named Susan, suffered for years with chronic diarrhea. This condition left her unable to travel, go out with friends, or go on vacation as she was constantly worried about where the next bathroom would be.
Her regular doctor was only able to provide her with a pill that did little to nothing to solve her problem. Eventually, she became fed up and knew there had to be a better way.
After coming to Carolinas Natural Health Center, she realized that she wasn’t getting the right nutrition, suffered from hormonal imbalances, and wasn’t getting enough sleep due to digestive health issues.
After meeting with Susan and conducting a variety of tests, we took the time to teach and educate her about the key things she needed to do to make a change in her health.
Then, we continued to provide her with support for each step of her journey to better health to ensure she succeeded.
Thanks to a personalized, comprehensive health program, she has been able to heal her gut and get rid of her debilitating symptoms.
In fact, we see people in our office every day who have missed out on so much of life due to these awful health challenges.
One of our members, named Susan, suffered for years with chronic diarrhea. This condition left her unable to travel, go out with friends, or go on vacation as she was constantly worried about where the next bathroom would be.
Her regular doctor was only able to provide her with a pill that did little to nothing to solve her problem. Eventually, she became fed up and knew there had to be a better way.
After coming to Carolinas Natural Health Center, she realized that she wasn’t getting the right nutrition, suffered from hormonal imbalances, and wasn’t getting enough sleep due to digestive health issues.
After meeting with Susan and conducting a variety of tests, we took the time to teach and educate her about the key things she needed to do to make a change in her health.
Then, we continued to provide her with support for each step of her journey to better health to ensure she succeeded.
Thanks to a personalized, comprehensive health program, she has been able to heal her gut and get rid of her debilitating symptoms.

While it’s normal to experience occasional digestive disruptions from time to time, it’s not normal for painful digestive disorders to be ruling your life.
If you’re missing out on the things you love due to constant digestive ailments, it’s likely that there’s a bigger digestive disorder occurring, such as IBS, Crohn’s disease, colitis, or acid reflux.
And if you’ve only been handed a prescription, TUMS®, anti-inflammatory pills, or other dangerous medications from your current doctor, your symptoms are only going to get worse over time.
The reality is that side effects such as nausea and irregular bowel movements often stem from inflammation in the gut.
Until you fix the root of the problem—your gut health—no amount of medication is ever going to resolve your uncomfortable symptoms.
In fact, using medications over a long period of time is actually going to promote more destruction, which, in return, will…
- Cause you to experience increased levels of discomfort and new symptoms.
- Deplete your body of essential nutrients.
- Contribute to greater levels of fatigue and inflammation.
- Force you to have to take more expensive and often dangerous medicines.
- Make it more difficult to truly heal your body so you can find lasting relief.

The only safe way to get the permanent relief you deserve from debilitating digestive issues is to heal your gut from the inside out.
In fact, countless digestive disorders such as…
- Acid reflux
- Colitis
- Crohn’s disease
- Chronic constipation or diarrhea
…can be completely eradicated through identifying the real issues, using food (nature’s most powerful medicine), getting coaching, taking specific healing supplements, and more.
To illustrate the effectiveness of natural methods, we want to share one more story with you about a lady named Jill and her battle with acid reflux.
Eventually, she ended up in the hospital with heart pain, fearing for her life and thinking that she was about to experience a heart attack.
After testing, it was determined that her chest pain was being caused by acid reflux. And, instead of treating the root cause, they wanted to put her on even more medications—the reason her symptoms got so bad in the first place and why she ended up in the hospital.
Jill knew that more medications weren’t the right answer and came to visit us.
During visits to our office, Jill learned how to use natural methods to get her health back on track without the use of medications.
To this day, Jill is able to live a healthy, pain-free life without the use of any medications.
If you’ve been struggling for years with digestive issues and are tired of using Band-Aid solutions that only mask your symptoms, we want to encourage you to attend one of our in-person dinner talks OR virtual seminar events.
These events are 100% FREE and will provide you with a key understanding of what you need to know in order to start on the path to safely and effectively putting an end to your painful digestive disorder.
Please keep in mind that we have members all around the nation, so do not let location hinder you. We are here to help you reclaim your health, in person or virtually.