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5 Essential Strategies to Prevent Chronic Sports Injuries

5 Essential Strategies to Prevent Chronic Sports Injuries

5 Essential Strategies to Prevent Chronic Sports Injuries  Sports injuries can be a frustrating setback for athletes of all levels, leading to pain, reduced performance, and even long-term consequences. However, with the right strategies in place, many of these...

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What are Natural Cures for Chronic Fatigue?

What are Natural Cures for Chronic Fatigue?

What are Natural Cures for Chronic Fatigue? “What are some natural cures for chronic fatigue?” This is a common question we get asked at Carolinas Natural Health Center. Chronic fatigue is a problem that seems to be affecting more and more people. No matter how much...

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Homeopathic Remedies for Sweating During Menopause

Homeopathic Remedies for Sweating During Menopause

Homeopathic Remedies for Sweating During Menopause Hot flashes, night sweats, and excessive sweating are common symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. For some women, these symptoms are minor nuisances. For others, excessive sweating has a negative impact on their...

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The Secret to Gut and Skin Health

The Secret to Gut and Skin Health

The Secret to Gut and Skin Health You’ve tried all the latest creams, facials, and cleaning routines, but your skin still isn’t healthy. You may feel hopeless, but have you considered that something else is going on underneath the surface? When most people notice skin...

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How to Understand the Stress & Hormone Connection

How to Understand the Stress & Hormone Connection

How to Understand the Stress & Hormone Connection It seems like every product these days is trying to sell a “stress-free” experience. Hotels, auto repair, insurance, and more – the message is clear that lower stress is good. But it’s impossible to completely...

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12 Natural Remedies for Pain Relief

12 Natural Remedies for Pain Relief

12 Natural Remedies for Pain Relief Although many of us live with chronic pain, aches, and discomfort should not be considered a “normal” part of life. Medication can provide temporary relief, but doesn't address the root of causes of chronic pain. In addition, many...

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Today is the day to start on the path toward better health. I invite you to learn more about what we do and how we treat our patients at Carolinas Natural Health Center.