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Is Gluten-Free Flour Good for You? It Depends…

Is Gluten-Free Flour Good for You? It Depends…

Given the link between gluten and autoimmune disease, going gluten-free—or reducing your gluten intake—is highly advisable. But cutting gluten from your diet can be a tough transition. After all, who enjoys constantly saying no to tasty muffins, homemade breads, and...

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Is Fruit Bad for You? Evaluating Low-Fruit Diets

Is Fruit Bad for You? Evaluating Low-Fruit Diets

Is fruit bad for you? It’s a question that might be on your mind...especially if you keep up with natural health news. It’s true that fruits can pack a sugary punch. According to several sources, a single banana can contain 14g of sugar. That’s over 3 teaspoons'...

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Today is the day to start on the path toward better health. I invite you to learn more about what we do and how we treat our patients at Carolinas Natural Health Center.