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Avoid a Health Derailment: How to Stay on Track over the Holiday Season
The holidays can derail even the most health-conscious. But for newly-diagnosed diabetics aiming to reverse their diabetes naturally, the approaching season may feel more daunting than ever. Michael Smith, ND, shares five tips to help people with diabetes and others...
The Circadian Rhythm: Why Rest and Routine Are Vital for a Healthy Body
Most people thrive on daily routines--and for good reason. Not only do routines help us establish healthy habits, but they are also an important part of regulating your circadian rhythm--a 24-hour cycle that aids in the physiological processes of living beings. One of...
Is Gluten-Free Flour Good for You? It Depends…
Given the link between gluten and autoimmune disease, going gluten-free—or reducing your gluten intake—is highly advisable. But cutting gluten from your diet can be a tough transition. After all, who enjoys constantly saying no to tasty muffins, homemade breads, and...
How Much Exercise Should You Get? Here’s What the Latest Guidelines Say
How much exercise should you get? That’s an excellent question...and one you might have difficulty answering. Similar to your dietary choices, there’s no hard-and-fast rule for how many laps to walk or push-ups to complete. But you can follow some general principles...
Surviving Food Contamination during the Holidays: 7 Facts You Need to Know
The holidays are here...and, with them, the festive dishes that we enjoy. But while holiday meals are something to savor, they also pose a special risk for food contamination. For instance… Your unfamiliarity with preparing a turkey might cause you to undercook the...
Is Fruit Bad for You? Evaluating Low-Fruit Diets
Is fruit bad for you? It’s a question that might be on your mind...especially if you keep up with natural health news. It’s true that fruits can pack a sugary punch. According to several sources, a single banana can contain 14g of sugar. That’s over 3 teaspoons'...
Today is the day to start on the path toward better health. I invite you to learn more about what we do and how we treat our patients at Carolinas Natural Health Center.