Mustard seeds are a very common spice worldwide.


The white variety originates from the eastern Mediterranean regions, the brown from the Himalayas, and the black variety from the Middle East.


They have been used for centuries and date back 5000 years ago, where they are documented in ancient Sanskrit writings.


No matter your variety preference, the benefits of mustard seeds cannot be ignored.


Keep reading to discover 6 major benefits of mustard seeds and how to use them.


Warning: Mustard seeds are not a cure for any disease, sickness, or chronic illness. Do not consume mustard seeds to treat yourself for medical issues.




High levels of magnesium make mustard seeds an option for natural migraine relief.


It is thought that magnesium affects changes in the blood vessels in the brain, which naturally relieve pain and help lessen the frequency of your headaches.




Mustard seed pastes have been used for centuries to ease congestion from the common cold.


It’s effective in relieving congestion because it increases circulation and provides heat to the chest cavity, which helps bring out the phlegm.


Simply create a mustard seed paste and spread it over your chest. Be careful though. Mustard seeds can burn so test it out on a small patch of skin before you cover your entire chest.




Mustard seeds contain high levels of selenium, which has been shown to help asthma sufferers.


Selenium is also known to support thyroid gland function, DNA production, and helps protect the body from damage caused by infection.




Many people use mustard seeds to naturally improve digestion. These seeds provide a great source of fiber, which help with digestion and bowel movements.


Skin Infection


Mustard seeds are packed with sulphur, which has both anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. These properties clean the skin and help your body fight infection.


Most commonly people will create a mustard seed paste to spread over an infected area of skin.


Hair Growth


When you press mustard seeds, you get mustard seed oil. And this oil is great to use for hair during your bathtime routine.


The reason is that mustard seed oil contains high levels of vitamin A. This vitamin promotes the growth of healthy hair.


How to Prepare Mustard Seeds for Use


Now that you know a few benefits of mustard seeds, it’s important to know how to prepare the seeds for use.


Check out the following mustard seed recipes…


Mustard Seed Paste


WARNING: mustard seed paste can burn skin. Make sure your paste is safe by testing it out on a small area of skin.


(Paste for topical use—hair, skin infection, congestion)



  • 4 tbsp. flour
  • 2 tbsp. dry mustard
  • Water (lukewarm)




  1. Mix the dry ingredients together, then add the water to make a paste. The paste should be smooth and easily spreadable but not too thin so that it runs or is watery.


  1. Lather paste on skin or in hair.


  1. Let sit 20 minutes or more and then wash off with warm water.


Recipe Source:


Mustard Seed Sauce


(Sauce for consumption—digestion, asthma, migraines)



  • 4 tbsp. raw honey
  • 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
  • 2 tbsp. regular mustard
  • 1 tsp. mustard seed
  • 1 pinch kosher salt
  • couple grinds of cracked pepper



  1. Add all ingredients to a bowl. Mix well.


  1. Serve over your favorite dish and happy eating!


Recipe Source:


After you’ve made a batch of mustard seed sauce, check out some of our favorite grilled veggie recipes to use with it!