According to a recent report titled, “Death by Medicine”, “A definitive review of peer-reviewed journals and government health statistics shows that American medicine frequently does more harm than good.”

Here’s the truth: 783,936 people die in the U.S. every year because of conventional medicine.

This number surpasses deaths attributed to cancer (553,251/year) and heart disease (699,697). The Census Bureau reports that around 38,000 people die from car crashes in the U.S. every year. Now think about how often you hear about someone lobbying or raising money for awareness towards cancer, heart disease, and car safety. BUT what about conventional medicine?


Not at all.

Isn’t that interesting?

Obviously, this changes everything, or at least it should.

This report also states that only between 5 and 20 percent of all deaths by conventional medicine are actually reported. Whether it’s fear of retribution or lack of organizational reporting, these results are astounding and almost unbelievable; because that means it may be nearly 1 million deaths in the U.S. per year by conventional medicine.

That is until … you read the rest.

Academic Medicine (2003) reported in “Characteristics of Medical School Faculty Member’s Serving on Institutional Review Boards” that about half of every medical school’s faculty who serve on institutional review boards for clinical trials on prescription drugs also serves as pharmaceutical consultants. Simply put, there is an undeniable conflict of interest:

“A news release by Dr. Erik Campbell, the lead author, said, “Our previous research with faculty has shown us that ties to industry can affect scientific behavior, leading to such things as trade secrecy and delays in publishing research. It’s possible that similar relationships with companies could affect IRB members’ activities and attitudes.”

Money talks. Loudly. And drugs are approved rapidly. This is why “Death by Medicine” reports 106,000 deaths per year due to adverse drug reaction. It all goes back to money.

Do you want money to determine your existence? Or do you want a health care model that revolves around I don’t know … living?

Allopathic medicine aka conventional medicine is definitively a counteractive method used to treat disease and injury by focusing on the ailment versus the body as a whole. Anyone who is an M.D. practices allopathic medicine; primary care physicians, specialists, and surgeons. Most Americans are familiar with or receive treatment through this healthcare model.

Whereas, Doctors of Orthopedic Medicine (DO) work to improve the health of each individual based on a whole body perspective including the mind, body, and spirit. DO’s have the same professional jurisdiction as MD’s, yet most people don’t believe it’s real medicine.

However, it is MORE real in the most important way: it works in tune with your body.

So, all the conventional medical deaths due to adverse drug reaction (including the overuse of antibiotics that has led to a string of resistant bacteria), infection (from the resistant bacteria), unnecessary procedures, etc…. could be eliminated by working with the body versus against it.

Allopathic medicine has its place when emergencies occur, but just like antibiotics the overuse of counteractive methods are creating counterintuitive reactions, i.e. death.

This is definitely something to consider when 2.3 trillion dollars was spent on healthcare in 2008, and it continues to rise. Along with its death count.