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We Need your help to license Naturopathic Doctors in North Carolina!

  1. Download YOUR Legislative Packet HERE!
  2. Do one of the following:
    – Write a letter (download sample letter)
    – Send an email
    – Make a telephone call
  3. [ilink url=”http://cqrcengage.com/naturopathic/”]Click here to find your state Senator and Representatives.[/ilink]


We are actively pursuing licensing of naturopathic medicine in North Carolina. Bill # H969 has been introduced in the House and Bill # S1080 has been introduced into the Senate.

Your support will make the difference in getting this bill passed. Legislators need to hear from YOU, their constituents, encouraging them to enact this very important Bill.

We THANK YOU in advance for your supportive efforts

Five Key Benefits of Licensing Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) in North Carolina:

  • Greater access to naturopathic medicine – more NDs will practice in North Carolina when licensed additionally filling a physician shortage that currently exists in North Carolina.
  • Overall savings on healthcare costs through less expensive therapies.
  • Improved health status of North Carolinians by addressing the cause of disease, promoting optimal health, and a strong focus on preventative healthcare.
  • Individualized healthcare with more one-on-one time spent with a physician.

Naturopathic medicine is currently licensed in the following states and territories:

New Hampshire
District of Columbia
Puerto Rico
U.S. Virgin Islands

Please help us make North Carolina the first state in the Southeastern U.S. to license NDs.

The Six accredited Naturopathic Medical Schools are listed in the 2007Princeton Review “Best 168 Medical Schools” alongside: Harvard Medical School, John Hopkins School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Dartmouth Medical School, UNC-Chapel Hill, and others.

A complete list of the accredited Naturopathic Medical Schools can be found at the Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (www.AANMC.org).

Area Contacts:
North Carolina Association of Naturopathic Physicians: www.ncanp.com
Members of the NCANP are license-eligible doctors and graduates of 4-year accredited naturopathic medical schools. Most members are already currently licensed in other states.

Why License NDs?
Regulation of naturopathic medicine is needed in North Carolina because:

  • Inadequately trained persons who profess to be naturopathic physicians, such as persons with degrees from correspondence schools, can place the public’s health and safety at risk.
  • Public safety will be ensured by requiring N.D.’s to meet rigorous educational standards and successfully pass the Naturopathic Physician Licensing Exam (NPLEX); this is a national competency-based exam that is a requirement in all states that license naturopathic physicians.
  • Consumers deserve government-regulated means for assessing the preparation and qualifications of persons seeking to provide diagnosis and treatment through the use of complementary and alternative means.
  • A licensing law will define educational standards, scope of practice and provide for professional oversight.
  • Licensing can provide a process by which citizens may more confidently find and rely upon information pertaining to the level of skill, education, and competency possessed by providers, and will have much better ways to assess the extent to which their therapies and remedies are safe and effective.
  • Licensable naturopathic physicians are trained in differential diagnosis and they are able and willing to make referrals to appropriate medical specialist for further care when needed.
  • Increasingly large numbers of consumers utilize forms of natural health services; many do so to complement conventional medical care and do not inform their MDs. Licensed naturopathic physicians do not support withholding such information from treating MDs.

What Can You Do?

Click on the link below to find out who your state senators and state representatives are. You will be asked to type in your local address and zip in order to find the legislators for your area. Then call, email, fax, or mail them a letter stating your support for the licensure of naturopathic medicine in North Carolina.

The process is really simple! If you call, it can be as quick as stating your name and that you are standing for licensure of naturopathic medicine in North Carolina. They are keeping track of the number of people that are in support of the licensing bill, so please make the effort today!

Click here to find out more!