
These days, there’s no shortage of natural health resources, gurus, blogs, and more.

Overall, this is a good thing. The more people and families become educated on holistic ways to heal their bodies and prevent disease and pain, the better.

However, with more resources, there can be more confusion as to what’s truth versus myth.

Is gluten good or bad?
Should I cut out meat?
Is coconut oil the best moisturizer for my skin?

The answer to some of these questions will depend on the individual person’s body type.

That said, there are some myths that are 100% not true.

In this post, I’m about to bust three digestion myths wide open. Read on to discover them!

Myth #1: Eat as much fiber as possible.

healthy breakfast

We’re often told to eat more fiber.

Constipated? Eat more fiber.

Looking to keep your blood glucose levels under control? Eat more fiber.

Wish to reduce your risk of cardiovascular issues? Eat more fiber.

Yes, fiber, such as various whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, is an essential component in a balanced diet.

However, the important thing to keep in mind is, there IS such a thing as consuming too much of it.

If you think otherwise, you’re simply believing one of the many myths about digestion.

Eating too much fiber can cause adverse effects in your body such as cramping, dehydration, and even constipation.

It also causes issues when it comes to absorbing important minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and calcium.

Therefore, be sure to get your dose of 35 grams of fiber each day–but don’t consume more than that in a short period of time.

Myth #2: Drink lots of water with your meals to aid digestion.


As with fiber, there’s no denying that water is an essential aspect to achieve optimal health.

Humans need to consume the recommended eight glasses (or more) of water per day.

After all, according to Healthline, “we’re constantly losing water from our bodies, primarily via urine and sweat.”

However, there’s evidence that drinking a lot of water while consuming food can cause issues for certain people.

For example, if you have acid reflux or GERD, you may experience an increase in symptoms if you consume too much water during meals.

Myth #3: Old age is the only thing to blame for constipation in your later years.

old age

If you notice that you experience increased constipation in your later years, you may attribute it to the fact that you’re growing older and your system simply isn’t working like it used to.

This is certainly true to some extent.

However, it’s recommended that you explore other causes of this frustrating and uncomfortable digestive issue.

Medications, not getting enough exercise, diet, and being dehydrated can all contribute to a sluggish digestive system.

Be proactive in identifying lifestyle habits and choices that are causing your system to slow down–don’t simply settle for the excuse of “old age” as a contributing factor.

These are only three of many myths about digestion. Be sure to do your research and get clear on what’s true versus false.

Curious to find natural solutions to soothe digestive issues? Check out these natural supplements.