Super foods…


It’s a term that many dieticians and health gurus sling around quite often; however, what does it mean?


Super foods are chock-full of disease-fighting vitamins and minerals. In only a small amount of food, you receive ample amounts of the nutrients your body needs to remain in optimal health.


Here are a few favorite super foods to incorporate into your diet.


Kale—the leafy green packed with vitamins.


Kale truly exemplifies the idea of super food. Simply put, kale is a versatile, leafy green that is great for salads, smoothies, and side dishes. But there’s more to it than its multiple functions.


Kale is brimming with healthful ingredients—so many that I have to put them in a list. This leafy green includes…

1. Antioxidants.
2. Fiber.
3. Calcium.
4. Iron.
5. Copper.
6. Manganese.
7. Omega-3 fats.
8. Phosphorus.
9. Protein.
10. Folate.
11. Carotenoids.
12. Flavonoids.
13. Oxalates.
14. Isothiocyanates.
15. Vitamin K.
16. Vitamin A.
17. Vitamin C.
18. Vitamin B6.
19. Vitamin B1.
20. Vitamin B3.
21. Vitamin E.


Notice #9? That says protein, which many people believe is only available in meat. As I recommend a plant-based diet, kale is the perfect super food addition that ensures you receive ample amounts of protein.


Avocado—not just “the healthy kind of fat.”


Avocados have fat in them—but don’t worry. The fat found in avocados is “healthy fat,” which does not contribute to weight gain in the way that sugar does.


Other than giving your body the healthy fat that translates to energy, there are many nutrients found in avocado. Among these nutrients are oleic acid, lutein, folate, vitamin E, monounsaturated fats, and glutathione.


Many of these vitamins have proven to protect from degenerative eye diseases, cancer, and heart disease.


Lastly, avocados are a “fan favorite.” They can be used for any meal—even smoothies.


Wild Salmon—the ideal meat for a plant-based diet.


Wild salmon is chock-full of protein. In addition to that, your body will refuel itself with vitamin D, selenium, omega-3 fatty acids, and all those B vitamins that boost your energy levels.


The constituents of salmon help prevent cardiovascular problems, macular degeneration, and depression.


Be sure to purchase wild-caught or Alaskan salmon, which has fewer contaminates to farmed fish.


Blueberries—the tiny disease fighters.


Who doesn’t love blueberries? They’re delicious and healthy, and fight diseases.


With phytochemicals, flavonoids, and soluble fiber, blueberries are scientifically proven to ward off serious illnesses—including diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even cancer.


Sweet Potatoes—not just a starch.

Many diet plans advise you to steer clear of simple carbohydrates, such as pasta, bread, and potatoes. While there is some truth to cutting down on these foods, sweet potatoes are on a different level.


To begin: kids tend to really enjoy sweet potatoes, so it’s easier to get your kids to eat more nutritiously with some on their plate.


Other than that, the health benefits are nothing short of remarkable. Eat sweet potatoes, and your body receives vitamin A, vitamin C, and nutrients that cut down on inflammation.


Don’t Just Buy These Super Foods…
Learn to cook them!