danceWe rely on each other. Many people look to others to provide for them in every area of life, and health care is no different. Patients put all their faith in their doctors and don’t assume responsibility for themselves. Doctors are amazingly dedicated people, and we don’t want to appear to belittle them—far from it. We want you to work with your doctor as an informed partner in your own health care, instead of a passive participant.

Take responsibility for your own health. Decide how you want to live your life, educate yourself, and then execute your plan.

Learn how to research.

Google is always a good place to start. Think about what you’d like your ideal health to look like. Would you like to be 10 pounds thinner? Google that and see what comes up. This is where you’ll need to be a bit of a detective, as health (especially weight loss) is a big moneymaker. You’ll find all kinds of frauds and questionable products, so look for websites having to do with naturopathy, homeopathy, etc. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call us.

Open your mind, and read all you can.

If you have a chronic condition such as diabetes, or if you wish to prevent illness, you’ll want to read as much as you can about it. Don’t be afraid to broaden your horizons and consider treatment options you had previously not known about or overlooked. For example, cinnamon has been found to be effective for type II diabetes. Perhaps it would help you too.

Empower yourself.

David Katz, M.D. has written a powerful series on taking responsibility for your health, and we highly recommend it. He discusses empowerment and how difficult it can be to take and accept your own power. But you do have it, and we’re here to help you. You can change your health and feel better and more alive. His series is well written and can be a great motivator.

Question everything.

We’re not telling you that your doctor isn’t good—please don’t misunderstand. But when you take responsibility for your own health, you’re not afraid to ask questions. Remember, the traditional (Western) health care model treats localized symptoms, not the whole person, and it focuses on treatment, not prevention. It’s disease care, not healthcare.

You’re looking at yourself holistically, and you need to do what is best for the “whole you,” not just the problem you’re experiencing right now. If your doctor wants to put you on antibiotics, for example, ask why. Find out if other options exist to treat the issue. You may decide antibiotics are not what you want or need.

If you’d like to learn how to empower yourself and take responsibility for your own health, call us today at 704.708.4404 to schedule your initial consultation.