<img src="image.gif" alt="pillows on a bed" />You spend several hours a night with your pillow. Many people don’t consider how this simple object affects your body. This is a mistake. If you suffer from neck pain, backaches and poor posture, then your pillow may be responsible.


After reading this post, you’ll be more knowledgeable about the right pillow for you.


Thwarting Neck Pain


Arthritis in the neck is a common problem, especially for people over the age of 55. The worst thing you can do for neck pain is sleep on your stomach. This position forces you to twist your neck.


The better sleeping position for neck pain is on your side while hugging a second pillow. This offers a comforting feeling of something against your stomach while your neck is in a rested position.


A thin pillow is best. Make sure it’s just thick enough to fill the space between the bottom of your ear and the side of your neck. A good rule of nose is to keep your nose centered with the middle of your chest when you’re lying on your side. If your nose is higher, use a thinner pillow. If your nose is lower, use a thicker one.


Thwarting Lower Back Pain


Common for lower back pain sufferers is for them to sleep on their back. Aside from sleeping on your stomach, this is the second worst position to sleep in.


But if you insist on sleeping on your back, slip a pillow under your knees. This makes your back push against the mattress, discouraging muscle spasms that occur when your back arches. Any pillow is okay to use, as long as it’s about three to four inches thick.


If you find it uncomfortable when your knees rub together while sleeping on your side, place a pillow or a rolled up towel between your legs to create space.


Thwarting Bad Posture


Most people have rounded shoulders. People who don’t exercise regularly or work on the computer for long periods of time are more likely to have bad posture.


When sleeping on your side, try to rotate what side you sleep on every night. For example, if you sleep on your left side on Monday, sleep on your right side on Tuesday.


If you are someone who shifts a lot during sleep, try a boomerang-shaped pillow that provides support for your head during movements.


The easier way to avoid body pain


No matter what sleeping style or pillow you use, there is one thing you can do to lower your chances of neck, back, and shoulder problems: taking at least one 30-minute walk each day. Walking circulates your blood and stretches your muscles.


If you’d like for us at Carolina Natural Health to provide more holistic health options for you, please give us a call at (704) 708-4404. You can also reach us by emailing info@carolinasnaturalhealth.com.


Remember to take care of your health, even while you sleep.


Photo Credit: Enid Yu