There’s nothing worse than the coughing, sniffling,  sore throat, and sneezing that come with having a cold. That’s why we do everything possible during cold and flu season to protect ourselves from catching a bug.


From building our immune system defense to getting a flu shot, there’s a lot we can do to keep ourselves safe.


There’s one thing many people tend to overlook when it comes to protecting ourselves from contracting a cold—using essential oils.


You may already use essential oils for cleaning, to reduce anxiety, to help you sleep, or as topical ointments for your skin, hair, and nails. This year, I encourage you to try out cold-fighting essentials oils to help keep you healthy this winter.


Keep reading to discover my 3-favorite cold-fighting essential oils and how to use them to protect yourself from contracting a cold this year.


Clove Bud Oil


Clove bud oil is comes from the clove tree, a member of the Myrtaceae family. This tree is native to Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia and Madagascar.


Clove oil is a powerful antiseptic and has antimicrobial properties.  These properties give this essential oil the power to combat both bacterial and viral illnesses.

If you’re going to be out in public, or around people who have a cold, mix this cold-fighting essential oil with a little coconut oil and massage it onto your neck.


Organic Lemon Oil


Organic lemon oil comes from the pressed skin of organically grown lemons.


This oil makes a great cold-fighting essential oil because of its immune-boosting capabilities.


It works by stimulating your white blood cell production and boosts immunity against colds. It’s even powerful enough to protect you from  serious infections from illnesses like pneumonia.


When you take a bath, add 5-6 drops of organic lemon oil into the water. Soak in the warm water with the essential oil for 30 minutes or so.


Grapefruit Oil


Grapefruit oil comes from the rind of a grapefruit. These fruits come off grapefruit trees that were first bred in Jamaica.


This oil makes a wonderful purifier and works to eliminate toxins in the body.


When your tissues are pure and toxin-free, germs have a hard time attacking your body, and you stay healthy. This is why it’s important to keep your internal “environment” clean.


I recommend picking up an essential oil diffuser so you can defuse this oil on a regular basis throughout your home.


The Ultimate Cold-Fighting Essential Oil Spray


During cold and flu season, it’s a good idea to keep cold-fighting essentials oils on hand wherever you go. But carrying around bottles of different oils isn’t always easy to do.


For that reason, I’m sharing a recipe for a cold-fighting essential oil spray that’s easy to make. And because all the ingredients go in one bottle, it’s easy to take with you.


Use this essential oil mixture to protect yourself from germs this winter.




#1 Blend the above essential oils into a clean amber bottle with a dropper.

#2 Once mixed the oils are now ready to use. Place a small drop of the oil mixture on your wrists, and rub into your skin.


Staying hydrated is also a great way to keep healthy this winter. Discover the importance of water filtration and purification.