Here, again, researchers are finding triggers for Autism. I would simply like to repeat that Autism is not a disease with a single cause. This article in Fox news titled “Doctors Find Link Between Lyme Disease, Autism,” illustrates this point: that Lyme disease can be an immune trigger for the auto-immune disease we call Autism. You might be interested to know that there are also linksbetween Autism and Rheumatoid Arthritis and other auto-immune diseases. Here, you’ll find evidence of Autism being an autoimmune disorder, and here, and here (look for the words “auto-antibodies,” which means the body sees itself as foreign.)
Autism is a perfect storm that can be triggered by a number of factors.
These Autism triggers have commonalities:
- The individual is predisposed by a familial link. We do not yet know the details of this link. It might be genetic, or epigenetic, inherited nutritional deficiency, or a combination.
- Insults add up and weaken the overall system:
- repeated antibiotics during pregnancy, or as an infant.
- early introduction of processed foods and foods that cause immune sensitivity and reactivity
- lack of beneficial bacterial flora
- lack of immune support, lack of proper breast feeding
- environmental toxins: petrochemicals like solvents, pesticides, fumigants, perfumes, dyes, flame retardants, etc.
- Triggers are introduced:
- Viral Illness; Bacterial illness
- Immunization
- viral antigens activate immune dysfunction
- toxic adjuvants weaken and dysregulate immune function
- Environmental toxins: above
- Autism Emerges
- resembles autoimmunity against the body’s own nervous system
- immune dysregulation
- ill-repair of gut, malabsorbtion, inflammation of gut
- behavioral symptoms, cognitive symptoms are merely a sign of the underlying problem.