Natural Energy Boosters

Photo credit: Liz West Natural energy boosters are perfect if you’re looking for a way to get more energy when you’re feeling tired. Most of the time, these natural alternatives are less expensive and better for you. The energy drinks and bars available on the market...

Picnic Foods with Added Health Benefits

Photo credit: Steven Depolo Healthy picnic foods can be just as delicious as your traditional favorites. With some easy modifications, you can make your favorite picnic foods healthier, as the beautiful weather and spring holidays drive your family outdoors. These...

Heart-Healthy Eating: 5 Heart-Disease Fighting Foods

Heart-healthy eating is about prolonging your life by maintaining optimal coronary function. Food doesn’t have to be the enemy. In fact, it’s all about eating the right foods—foods that help your body run efficiently, restore balance, and proactively protect you from...