Is fruit bad for you?

It’s a question that might be on your mind…especially if you keep up with natural health news.

It’s true that fruits can pack a sugary punch. According to several sources, a single banana can contain 14g of sugar. That’s over 3 teaspoons’ worth.

But before you donate your favorite fruits to the garden compost pile…

Give low-fruit diet claims some careful scrutiny.

In this article, we’ll look at natural health diets that restrict fruit—then, I’ll share three considerations to help you make sense of this topic.

Let’s dive in…

Is Fruit Bad for You? What Some Notable Diets Say.

Is fruit bad for you?

According to some diets, it may seem as if the answer leans toward yes.

One notable proponent of restricting fruit in your diet is Dr. Steven Gundry, author of The Plant Paradox. Dr. Gundry writes…

“Now it’s okay to enjoy a modest portion of fruit with each meal, but the fruit must be – I repeat, must be – in season. Not only that, but in season fruits should be treated as candy.

Turns out, eating fruit in-season was a great thing for our ancestors, because it allowed them to fatten up for the winter months. But now, we can get fruit any day of the year.”

He also claims, “Before globalization, sweet flavors were really only available during summer and fall.”

However, Dr. Gundry isn’t the only voice warning against fruit in the natural health realm.

You may be familiar with the ketogenic diet. This protocol will allow you to eat fats, but it will also restrict your fruit intake.

Since these diet recommendations come from the natural health circle, you might be tempted to think that fruit is bad for your health.

But before you join the low-fruit movement, here are three things to consider…

1. Don’t Think of Fruit as a Candy or a Poison

Don’t let a respected diet negatively color your perspective on fruit.

Studies show that fruit is the opposite of something dangerous or deadly.

  • For instance, this study revealed that “higher fresh fruit consumption was associated with significantly lower risk of diabetes.”
  • In this study, researchers determined that a high-fruit intake is beneficial when it comes to surviving a prostate cancer diagnosis.
  • And this review and meta analysis demonstrated that fruits “were associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and all-cause mortality.”

Keep these evidence-based studies in mind as you consider whether or not fruit is harmful to your health.

2. Consider That Ancient Peoples Ate Fruit out of Season

I won’t deny that the recommendation to eat fruit in season deserves consideration.

However, before you make any sweeping resolutions, you need to consider the history of preserved fruit.

Check out this resource to read how, in the winter, Romans ate pears and Native Americans ate blueberries.

In addition, this article also reveals that archaeologists have found ancient dried apples. We can assume that these apples were dried to be eaten at a later date—perhaps out of season.

3. Take Low-Fruit Diets with a Grain of Salt

At the end of the day, no diet is perfect.

It doesn’t matter if you choose the Paleo diet, the Low FODMAP Diet, or another protocol. There simply isn’t a silver bullet that solves all health problems. So be sure you tailor your diet around your health needs—whether that’s cutting back or upping your fruit intake.

It’s important to avoid jumping on every dietary bandwagon…only to find out there’s no hard-and-fast rule.

But I do want to call your attention to one health fad that deserves your attention. Click here to discover why bone broth is an elixir for your health.